Whats Yours is Mine and Whats Mine is Yours!
Matt 13:44 "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. which a man found and covered up."
You know, When I got saved it was in a small country church in South Carolina. I Walked up to the door and there stood a 6'-5" 400 lbs. man in coveralls. I looked at him and immediately thought to myself "This guy is going to be a problem, no way he will even allow me to walk thru these church doors." See he was white and I was the first person of color to ever step foot in that church. Not only was this my first time there, but I was lost... That BIG GUY wrapped his arms around me and welcomed me to the church and actually sat with me during service.... to make a long story short, I got saved that day and he went to the alter with me and became my spiritual mentor.... God used Him to change my life.
In the above scripture, Jesus explains that the "Field" is the world and the "Treasure" is the seed of His word. So, let me clear this up... God’s word and His blessings are planted into the very being of someone or several people in this world! This means that whatever you need will more than likely come from someone that you will meet along life’s journey.
Society today will teach you to actually look down on others for whatever reason... If you're not careful you will turn your actual blessing and/or treasure away because you are too concerned about the package that it is wrapped in. Be committed to seeing God in everyone and everything. I promise you your life will change!
Today's devotion is dedicated to all the Perry Coker’s, of the world! I pray that you find your Hidden Treasures... they're priceless!
Remember, "No one can take your dreams away from you but you!"