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Matthew 16:21-22 "From that time on Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, chief priests, and scribes, and that He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life. Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him. “Far be it from You, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to You!”…

Have you ever wondered why I call this blog site "IMPACT?" It's because whether we like it or not, our very existence is making an IMPACT on somebody... So I made a choice a long time ago to try and make the biggest, positive IMPACT on as many people as I could and I want it to become like a virus... spreading from one person to the next! My IMPACT and yours will create a ripple effect, you just have to determine what kind of ripple it will be.

Unfortunately, this past week a pretty good young man passed away... At only 24 years old he lost his life in a car accident. When things like this happen we begin to look at our own lives don't we... we start thinking of all the things we want to accomplish, we realize all of the things that occupy our time that really don't matter! Most of all we begin to question God... "why would you take this young man so early?" "He has barely began to live his life." Yeah we've all had those questions swirling around in our heads and the usual answer you hear is, only God knows why... That's still not comforting when we're hurting, I know... but just think of this; Jesus was just on this earth for 33 years! He only ministered for 3 years according to what is written... In the scripture above He told His followers about His upcoming death and they were like yeah, whatever... don't talk like that dude... but only a few days later, He was gone in the most violent way they had ever seen! Remember, to them He was there to take control from Rome and to liberate the chosen people... and here He was, nailed to a cross.... I bet they had those same questions... "why would you take this young man so early?" "He has barely began to live his life!" But like Jesus said, His work was finished...

As people begin to tell stories about DeAndre (the young man that passed away) one thing is common in all the stories, he had a smile that was contagious. No matter what, he was always in a good mood and it just seemed to rub off on the people around him. His IMPACT created some amazing ripples... during his limited time on this earth, he used it to change lives for the better... I'm sure he wasn't perfect, but the good definitely out weighs the bad!

I'll close with this... Whether you believe in Jesus or not, His IMPACT is undeniable! He ministered for only 3 years, grabbed a bunch of fishermen to follow Him, and He did all of this in a 3rd world country without internet or telephones! His IMPACT has been causing ripples for centuries... What will people say about you when God decides your work here is done... what will be your lasting IMPACT?

I love you all, Poppy Todd

"No one can take your dreams away from you but YOU!"

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