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Silence is GOLDEN!

James 1:26 “Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.”

The most powerful thing in this world is the tongue! You can give someone the confidence to rule the world or completely destroy their hopes and dreams… Have you ever said things during an argument that you regret? We all have! I learned something a long time ago though… You can cause a lot less negative ripples if you just listen and think before you speak. My grandma would tell me this when I was younger “God gave you 2 years and 1 mouth for a reason; you need to listen more and talk less!”

A good majority of you who read my devotions are still in school, so what do you do the majority of the time during your day? You sit and listen to what the instructor has to say and then later in the week or month, you are tested on how well you listened and comprehended the information given… that is a great example of how God will guide us through this life. You see, when we go to Him in prayer, we usually spend our time giving a list of demands or needs and then we say Amen, get up, and go on our way… I want to challenge you to spend more time listening instead of speaking. Of course God wants to hear about your troubles and needs but you have to give Him time to speak to you.

So I’m writing about God speaking to you, and I know what you’re thinking… no I have never heard a voice like thunder from above say “CHARLES MY WISE AND WONDERFUL SON, EAT ONE MORE SLICE!” but when I have sat quietly meditating on the Lord, I have had a thought in my mind… a scripture that I read once before or a stirring in my heart to do or say something to someone…I’ve even had a bird to fly up and begin to sing me a song… that’s God, that’s the Holy Spirit speaking to you.

Do this for me, make it a new routine to think and consider the consequences before you open your mouth to speak. I have been told that I am a quiet person until someone gets to know me, that’s because I think before I open my mouth to speak. Once those words are released for others to hear, I can never get them back! Your words are the most important thing that you can share with others, so treat them with such value…

I love you all, Poppa Todd

Please drop me a message every once in a while to let me know how you are doing!

“No one can take your dream away from you but YOU!”

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